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Pandemic Playbook Posts
The Pandemic Playbook is currently under construction. New content, format and organization will continue to be created and refined.

Aug 17, 20206 min read
Loud and Clear: Combatting Biases in Communicating Risk
As many parts of the world are in stages of reopening, there are varying attitudes concerning individual and societal risk. The issue of...
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Aug 7, 20203 min read
Behind the Curve: Understanding and Preparing for Exponential Growth
Following the growth of the pandemic is absolutely essential for those charged with the task of planning for the future of their...
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Final Mile
Jun 12, 20202 min read
Self-monitoring and Quarantine Behaviors
Monitoring and Self-quarantining A huge challenge from the beginning of the pandemic has been monitoring and self-quarantining. If a...
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Final Mile
Jun 8, 20204 min read
Removing Barriers to Testing and Contact Tracing
Testing and contact tracing are the tip of the spear in the fight against COVID-19. While other strategies to check the spread, such as...
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Jun 5, 20205 min read
The Unending Cycle of Stigma and its role in a Patient's Journey
Stigmatization hinders health-seeking behavior, foments fear in patients suffering from the condition, causes prejudices against certain...
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Final Mile
May 27, 20204 min read
Phasing and Framing of lockdowns and relaxations: What do they tell us?
As the COVID-19 pandemic is approaching or has surpassed it's peak intensity in a number of countries, governments are rushing to chart...
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Final Mile
May 5, 20203 min read
Fatigue and coping with lockdown
Lockdown and Distancing Importance of physical distancing in a pandemic cannot be stressed enough, yet the act itself is very much...
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Final Mile
May 1, 20203 min read
The Vital Role of Essential Workers During Lockdowns
During lockdowns and shelter in place orders, not everyone is afforded the opportunity to work from home. Unfortunately the majority of...
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Final Mile
Apr 23, 20201 min read
Risk Compensation: Mitigating “I wear mask so I can go out more often” behaviours
Risk Compensation Once the challenge of adherence to mask wearing is addressed, the next challenge is its implications on other...
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Final Mile
Apr 22, 20203 min read
Supporting the Development of a New Norm - Mask Wearing
We are in need of a new set of norms around wearing masks in public. Mask wearing has already been established as a norm in many East...
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Final Mile
Apr 15, 20202 min read
Contextually Specific Visual Cues Provide Clarity in Uncertain Times
When given the action to remain six feet apart from others in order to limit transmission of COVID-19, we are left with a new normal and...
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